
C: Conference / J: Journal / W: Workshop / P: Preprint / *: Equal contribution


[C17] Confidence-aware Reward Optimization for Fine-tuning Text-to-Image Models

[J1/W9] Few-shot Anomaly Detection via Personalization


[C16] Multi-scale Diffusion Denoised Smoothing

[C15] Modality-Agnostic Self-Supervised Learning with Meta-Learned Masked Auto-Encoder

[C14/W8] Collaborative Score Distillation for Consistent Visual Synthesis

[C13/W7] Enhancing Multiple Reliability Measures via Nuisance-extended Information Bottleneck

[C12] WinCLIP: Zero-/Few-Shot Anomaly Classification and Segmentation

[C11/W6] Guiding Energy-based Models via Contrastive Latent Variables

[C10/W5] Confidence-aware Training of Smoothed Classifiers for Certified Robustness


[C9] NOTE: Robust Continual Test-time Adaptation Against Temporal Correlation

[C8] SPot-the-Difference Self-Supervised Pre-training for Anomaly Detection and Segmentation (code)

[C7/W4] Consistency Regularization for Adversarial Robustness (code)

[W3] OpenCoS: Contrastive Semi-supervised Learning for Handling Open-set Unlabeled Data


[C6/W2] SmoothMix: Training Confidence-calibrated Smoothed Classifiers for Certified Robustness (code)

[C5] Training GANs with Stronger Augmentations via Contrastive Discriminator (code, slide, poster)


[C4/W1] Consistency Regularization for Certified Robustness of Smoothed Classifiers (code, slide, poster)

[C3] CSI: Novelty Detection via Contrastive Learning on Distributionally Shifted Instances (code, slide, poster)

[C2] M2m: Imbalanced Classification via Major-to-minor Translation (code, slide, talk)


[C1] Training CNNs with Selective Allocation of Channels (code, slide, poster, talk)